Melancholy Tide is a beautiful experimental short film directed and shot by Alexander Lee and Anita Lee of Brosis Films ! It’s always a pleasure to be apart of the team with these two who are always striving to make the most beautiful films!
Melancholy Tide was a particularly interesting as originally the score was to be quite classical and organic with the original sketches consisting of string quartet and piano. As the brief changed, so did the score to become more atmospheric and abstract - which resulted in extracting different motif and melodies from our original sketches and seeing how they could be manipulated into long drones, different textures and atmospheric layers, whilst still having moments where you can hear the original instruments. Definitely a lot of fun to put together, and not in my usual sound!
Thanks again for having me guys! Cant wait till the next one 😉
You can view Melancholy Tide on Beyond the Short